About Me

Fern Levy, LCSW

Fern Levy, LCSW

Fern Levy has a Bachelors Degree from George Mason University and a Masters from Florida State University. Since graduation Fern has worked primarily with children, from infant to teen and with families. Fern is a certified infant/toddler specialist. Fern has vast experience in working with various diagnoses and is able to focus on the therapeutic process while helping the family move forward. She specializes in relationship issues and on how the child views him/herself and the world around them. Fern focuses on all the various environments within the child's life; working with the school, the child's peers, as well as with the child's home, on the areas that need to be addressed. She is able to offer a wide range of services including but not limited to individual and family therapy, parenting sessions, as well as case coordination with other professionals involved within a child's life. Fern's belief is that children cannot work on their challenges alone which is why she focuses on the interactions within the family and the community. She works with the family members on identifying the family dynamic and explores with them on what works and what does not. Fern then helps the family work towards a more cohesive atmosphere at home where everyone is working towards the same goals.